Let's get right to it:
If arriving from the SLurl provided you should be standing at the corner of malcontent and wasted lives. Que the 'Deliverance' banjo solo. Head east from any starting point and you'll quickly find yourself knee-deep in juicy low-income goodness. Because the land is flat and wide-open there is no real reason to do a walk-through. With that said I'll just show you some of the good stuff.
There is a junkyard to the north which offers a ton of highly varied freebs, included but not limited to a ready-to-furnish single side trailer, an RV-style trailer, couches and chairs and more. Not to mention the well built, awesomely scripted mail box that broadcasts when you are online.
Meet the neighbors:The dirty hippies:

The guy and his wife/cousin (they might be cross-eyed but they have a

And to the far north (no, really) are the Canadians:

I have to say Sleezywood is currently my favorite SL spot by far. All homes have unlocked doors (not a good idea considering the company they keep) and they're rented by avatars with a taste for divine apathy - with any luck I'll be next on the list. With no shortage of freakish property and questionable paraphernalia, the adventure never ends (pending you don't get stoned and park it by the tire fire).
'It's dark.....'
'...................cool, you want that sun-dried?'
SLurl: SleezywoodLabels: tours