Highlight: Second Life Blogs
If you look to your right (or left, I be changing shit all the time) you will see a list of Second Life blogs I've linked to. I figure you see links all the time but why not see the page it links to? With that said here are the screenshots for the current sites on the list, and included are super brief reviews. Let's do this:
Tooter Claxton
In my opinion Tooter Claxton is one of the most bad-assed builders in the big SL, and by natural right, one of the most tweaked. In the screenshot shown is a post about his Clockwork Orange-inspired avatar - that's also bound and covered in blood. Go Tooter!

Betinna Tizzy
Bettina covers a ridiculous amount of SL goings on. Freaky avs, incredible builds, and all kinds of other delightful nonsense. She also has (from the look of it anyway) a ton of connections with people from all walks of life so she's not genre cast [*ahem* can we edit that?].

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